Our Development Concept
Today's Russian mechanical engineering is a dynamically developing trend, which has the leading role in production in all country's sectors of industry. Therefore, manufacturing businesses are challenged with needs for improvement and application of innovative methods for addressing specific strategic tasks.
We are interested not only in our development and successful activities, but also in the success of our customers. The application of state-of-the-art technologies, modernization of manufacturing facilities, training of staff and readiness to work for further extension allow us even now to offer the consumer high-quality and competitive goods and services.
Challenging Tasks in a Dynamic Environment
In today's rapidly changing environment, it is impossible to work out a development strategy and follow it directly. It is often necessary to respond to a specific situation, while maintaining own reputation and respecting the benefits of all the parties concerned. That is why it is necessary to understand that temporary difficulties often bring about the development and success faster than ideal conditions.
UPRZ LLC's Mission
To create and produce cutting edge goods and services that fully meet the consumers' expectations.
We believe that our overarching goal, which allows us to meet the current and future needs, is to provide solutions that help our customers succeed in various fields of manufacture - mechanical engineering, automotive industry, household and special medical equipment, innovative technologies, energy, communication, etc.
Company's Development Strategy for 2017-2019
UPRZ's Key Strategic Goal
Using existing human and technological capital assets to create a company specializing in the production of demanded innovative products for the automotive and engineering industries.
Driving elements of the strategy to achieve the key goal:
- To achieve sustainable profit for all structural divisions of the company
- To constantly improve the quality of products, expand the package of services rendered to our customers
- To incessantly improve endogenous production management processes
- To continuously train staff, introduce new technologies that allow to reduce production costs and offer competitive prices for goods and services
- To improve the welfare of our employees and expand employment benefits.
We help our customers throughout Russia successfully run their business.