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Participation in the XI National Congress “Modernization of Russian industry: development priorities”

The XI National Congress "Modernization of Russian industry: development priorities" took place on November 30, 2016 in Moscow, heads of our plant took part in it.

The National Congress is organized annually and is focused on business negotiations and formation of long-term relations between government institutions, businessmen and public organizations, not only from Russia, but also from foreign countries. Participation of the top officials of the companies allows to conduct a dialogue with a deep understanding of interests, to make decisions, to plan further interaction with a long-term goal of industry development of the country.

Subject of the Congress 2016 is a modernization of Russian production, interaction of the state with business in a new format, taking into account opinion and interests of businessmen for creation of perspective relations, that is up to increase a national well-being.

During the Congress our heads held negotiations with the companies specializing in production of  thermal electrical equipment, test-bench , electrochemical, electro-impulse, energy saving equipment, metal-cutting tool, radar stations and mobile complexes.

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ООО "УПРЗ" на XI Национальном Конгрессе «Модернизация промышленности России: Приоритеты развития»ООО "УПРЗ" на XI Национальном Конгрессе «Модернизация промышленности России: Приоритеты развития»

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